Friday, September 16, 2011

1099 Vendor setup in QB

1. To  set up  a Vendor  go to  the Vendor  Center>click on the New Vendor drop  down and  then New  Vendor

2. Enter the Vendor Name and complete all available information on the Address Info Tab

3. Click the Additional Info Tab and enter all available information

4. If you do not understand any of the items listed and what to fill in go to the QB Help Menu>click the search tab and enter the item name for an explanation of what you should fill in.

5. Account Prefill tab is if you want QB to default to certain accounts whenever you enter a form for that Vendor.  You can change the default information on the form or just leave this blank

If you are using 1099 Vendors make sure you set up in preferences:

1. Go to Edit>Preferences>Tax:1099>Company Preferences Tab.
2. Click Yes and click the 1st "click here" to map your 1099 accounts.
3. In the drop down to the right choose "Show all accounts" and for any accounts you want to track for 1099 Vendors choose  Box 7 on the drop down list to the right
3. In the Account drop down box check all of the accounts that you want QB to track for 1099 Vendors.
4. On each Vendor that is eligible for a 1099 go to Edit Vendor>Additional Info Tab>
5. Check the box for "This Vendor is eligible for 1099" and enter their EIN.


  1. I've done all of this but when I go to print the 1099 I'm not getting the correct amount.
    What I paid the sub contractor is $16,000. When I go to print the 1099 I'm getting $2,400??
    Why aren't my amounts = up?
    I added the sub contractor in my vendors put all his info on the preference tab checked that he would be 1099'd, mapped my sub contractors to the box 7 and still can't get it to work.
    My sub contractor is listed as an expense would that make something happen wrong?
    Please help.
    Thank you,

  2. When you enter bills or checks you either need to use an Expense on the Expense Tab that is Mapped for 1099 tracking or use an Item that points to an Expense (or COGS) that is tracked.

    It is what you use when you enter the bill or check that matters. It must be mapped for 1099 tracking.

    Go to the 1099 printing process and click on 3. Run Report. Then double click on the amount in the Uncategorized column.

    That will bring up all transactions that have not been Mapped for 1099 tracking for this Vendor.

    If you still have issues please feel free to contact me personally.

    If you are the person that contacted me personally earlier today I have responded to that email as well.
